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什么叫种子轮融资? What is seed round financing?


Seed financing refers to the financing method in the earliest stage. Although most start-ups rely on the founder's own funds or the funds of their immediate family and friends, some companies still seek third-party "seed financing", which is the earliest form of financing.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?


We call the earliest financing "seed round financing", then angel financing, and then there will be A rounds, B rounds of financing, and even DEF rounds of financing until the company goes public.


Seed investment is extremely risky, and most seed investors understand that 70% of startup investments will eventually fail. However, they also understand that only a successful start-up can bring a lot of wealth. Therefore, seed investors understand that in the process of finding a successful company, they need to "share risks" with the company.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?


After seed financing, early valuation, income and customer standards checks will be conducted on startup founders, and a strict time limit for achieving performance will be stipulated. If start-ups enter seed financing prematurely, they will encounter serious challenges in the next round of financing, such as the A round of financing. Round financing is usually more important and complicated, so if the standards are not met, it will bring strong negative information to the next investors.

种子轮融资的特点 Characteristics of seed round financing

1. 投资额度不高:种子轮融资每个人的投资额度并不高,有的是十万,有的是50万。最多的可能是一百万,如果再多的话,就可能是天使投资了。

The investment amount is not high: The investment amount of each person in the seed round financing is not high, some are 100,000, and some are 500,000. The most may be one million, and if it is more, it may be an angel investment.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?

2. 投资人人数比较多:一般可能3-4个人,也会出现到5-8个,甚至是10个人以上的情况。

The number of investors is relatively large: generally there may be 3-4 people, but there may be 5-8, or even more than 10 people.

3. 投资人占据股权比例不高:创始人为了留股权空间做外部融资,以及对核心员工做股权激励,所以对于种子轮不会释放过高比例的股权。

Investors do not occupy a high proportion of equity: In order to reserve equity space for external financing and provide equity incentives to core employees, the founders will not release an excessively high proportion of equity for the seed round.

种子轮融资的法律框架 The legal framework for seed financing


The seed round of equity financing usually has three realization forms:

1. 工商登记直接持股

Direct shareholding in industrial and commercial registration


The first way to achieve this is to directly register the shareholders of the seed round as real-name shareholders during the industrial and commercial registration. But if the number of shareholders in the seed round is relatively large, this approach is not suitable.


After all, we have to consider the ideas of investors in the subsequent angel round, A round, and B rounds. If the company's equity structure is too complicated and scattered at the beginning, subsequent investors will be taboo after all. When there are too many registered industrial and commercial shareholders in the early stage of a project, it means that there is great uncertainty.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?

2. 由大股东代持

Be held on behalf of major shareholders


The second way to achieve this is to hold the equity of seed shareholders through the founding major shareholder.


The specific form of realization is that the founding shareholder signs a "representative holding agreement" with multiple seed-round shareholders. All seed-round shareholders are the silent shareholders of the project and are not shown in the industrial and commercial registration.


The advantage of this approach is to make the company's shareholding structure look simpler and clearer, which facilitates the entry of investors in subsequent rounds.


Generally speaking, if the seed round shareholders enter in the form of proxy holding, it means that there is not only an investment relationship between seed round investors and entrepreneurs, but also a relatively good trust relationship. Of course, there is another situation where the identity of the seed investor is not convenient, and it is not convenient to appear in the industrial and commercial registration in his own name.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?

3. 把种子投资人装进有限合伙企业

Put seed investors into limited partnerships


When there are too many seed investors after all, for example, more than 5, then we will suggest setting up a limited partnership and then including all seed investors.


The advantage of this approach is that the entrepreneur has better control over the partnership, and the entrepreneur acts as the GP to actually operate the limited partnership, while other seed investors act as LPs. In this case, even if there are ten seed round investors as limited partners, it will not interfere with the normal operation of the project company.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?


This method is also the one I admire the most, because management is system after all, and more possibilities can be extended in the future.

种子轮融资的特点和法律架构?Characteristics of seed round?


Finally, to summarize, if you, as an entrepreneurial project, did not get angel investment in the early project financing, but adopted a seed round of financing, then we usually recommend that you set up a partnership with some seed rounds. Investors invest through limited partnerships.


标签: 种子融资 种子投资人 种子轮股东

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